
Little windy⛅ but an absolutely beautiful day!💙/沖縄のシーカヤック、青の洞窟、スタンドアップパドルで自然体験ツアー

Little windy⛅ but an absolutely beautiful day!💙

We have a very sweet couple with us on this

beautiful day at Aruguide Okinawa!😉



It was a little windy day, easier to kayak out 

but a little more work to kayak back!

A very good arm exercise day I reckon!😂😁

After practicing how paddle and to get on the kayak.

Off we start our journey!! To the Blue Cave!!

Leeeeeettttss Goooooooo!!!💛

With the breeze pushing us towards

we arrived at our resting point in no time!😁

They were a great swimmer and we swam into the cave

in an absolute ease!!

Time for a photo-taking session at the most beautiful part

of the Blue Cave!!!!📷💙

Sparkling clear blue water!! We are in awe 

every single time!!!!✨

After exiting the cave, it is time we swim amongst the 

thousands of fishes and other beautiful ocean creatures!!!

Absolutely clear water today!!!! 💙💙

Countless number of scissor-tail sergeants all around us!!!🐟

Back to the Big Cave where we took a rest previously,

and this time we explored the back of the cave!!

A little bit of rock climbing to the top of the giant rock!!😎📷 

 It's time to paddle, paddle, paddle back to Aruguide !!

There was no stopping because of the east wind blowing us back 

towards the Blue Cave!!!🔥

Annnnnnd we are safely back to Aruguide!!!!

I am very glad to have them with me on this amazing day!!

Hope to see you guys again!!! Thank you!!🙏

Best regards, Ai






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電話(代表): 098-982-5605
モバイル直通: 090-5921-6324
2011 - 2025 © アルガイド沖縄(アルワゴンジャパン合同会社)
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